
Interactive modeling of anisotropic bio-inspired shape
Ekaterina Borisova * , David-Henri Garnier * , Damien Rohmer  1, *@  
1 : Laboratoire dínformatique de l\'École polytechnique [Palaiseau]
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Ecole Polytechnique, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique : UMR7161
* : Auteur correspondant

We present a method for generating 2D and 3D shapes using a growing process inspired by biological models.
In this talk, we focus on the model of "blob" represented as a particle-based evolving simulation. We describe several adaptations to this model in order to represent filament-like microstructures filling a prescribed domain and optionally offering anisotropic behavior. Furthermore, we provide a guideline to set the parameters characterizing specific emerging visual patterns.
Our model will be demonstrated via an interactive GPU-based tool that allows a user to paint over a canvas using brushes with evolving content in real-time. Thanks to the inherent ability of this approach to generate complex structures while allowing seamless and robust adaptation to local changes, we discuss a few applications for shape designs and more general art-based representations.

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